Family & Children First
The mission of the Allen County Family & Children First Council (FCFC) is “to initiate collaborative efforts that educate and empower families in Allen County.” Click here to learn how FCFC helps to “Connect the Dots” for families.
Family and Civic Engagement: Family-serving agencies are encouraged to participate in Council in order to to exchange information, identify areas of need, and collaborate on initiatives to improve services to Allen County families.
- Council meetings are held the Second Monday of the month, beginning at 1:30PM, at the ACJFS/Ohio Means Jobs Workforce Development Center (951 Commerce Parkway, Lima). Meetings are open to the public.
o Click for Meeting Schedule
o Council Minutes - Family/Parent representation is vital; one serves on Council’s Steering Committee and others serve on the Family Representative Committee. To learn more about becoming a Family/Parent Rep, click here
Coordinating Services: FCFC staff, Intersystems Committee, and community partners provide supports and services to families with children (birth to 22 years) with multi-system needs. Allen County FCFC is responsible for the Service Coordination Mechanism which outlines how Allen County families are served by service coordination providers, including a Dispute Resolution Process.
- Complete to make an Intersystems Referral
- Dispute Resolution Flowchart
- Allen County Service Coordination Mechanism
- Click to make a Referral to OhioRISE
Early Intervention (EI) Service Coordination: Early Intervention (EI) is a statewide system that provides coordinated services to parents of young children with disabilities and developmental delays. In Allen County, Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities provides EI services.
- Call ACBDD Early Intervention for more information: 419-221-1262, Ext. 1017
- Click to make a referral for Early Intervention or Home Visiting Services
Ohio Family and Children First (OFCF) www.fcf.ohio.gov provides oversight for each County Council. OFCF is a department of the Ohio Department of Children & Youth. Parents & caregivers are welcome to contact ODCY with concerns not being addressed at the county level, by visiting https://childrenandyouth.ohio.gov/help-center/contact-us
For more information contact the Allen County Family and Children First Council:
Carole Enneking, Coordinator
P.O. Box 1243
Lima, OH 45802-1243
Phone: (419) 223-8563
Email: [email protected]