Training Room Reservations
To request a reservation click here
Facility Guidelines
The Allen County Sanitary Engineer’s Training Facility is located at 3230 N. Cole Street. This facility is available for use by governmental agencies and outside organizations that are using the facility for business related functions, not for private parties. Advanced reservations are to be done to ensure the room is available and all of the requested AV equipment is operational and set to the requirements of the requester. The following is a list of our guidelines for use of the facility:
All persons and organizations wishing to use the Training Room may reserve the date and time through the Allen County Sanitary Engineer’s Training Room Coordinator.
Contact information: Call Brandy Aller at 419-996-4670
The training room is available for use between the hours of 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Special arrangements can be made for weekends by contacting the Training Room Coordinator.
There will be no additional charge for the use of this facility unless damage has been caused by individuals/organizations using the facility, or the facility has not been cleaned properly.
Description of the Space and Amenities
The Training Room will accommodate seating for 72 persons with tables; there are additional chairs available for seating up to 80.
Water fountains and restrooms.
Kitchen is available with refrigerator and microwave. Utensils, kitchenware, and dishtowels are not provided by the Sanitary Engineering Department.
Handicap accessible.
- Lenovo Thinkpad Intel Core i5, Windows 10 Pro
- -Cable television
- -Cordless microphones (lapel and standard)
- -Internet accessible presentations
- -Panasonic PT-DW5000UL DLP Projector
The training room is equipped to record meetings, and conduct simultaneous presentations on the projector and LCD TV.
It is strongly recommended persons using the facility visit the training room at least one day before the scheduled meeting to become familiar with the AV equipment, software, and the room environment.
Room Set Up & Cleaning Responsibilities
The Training Room is to be left in the condition in which it was received. Clients are responsible for their own set up and clean up. The room must be cleaned at the completion of the meeting time, in a manner that would allow another client to enter and use the facility immediately. Vacuum sweeper and carpet cleaner are available and located in the storage room. All surfaces and the sink in the kitchen must be thoroughly cleaned. Cleaning products are available in the kitchen below the sink.
There will be a $200.00 cleaning fee invoiced to the user(s) in the event the facility is not left in its original condition.
Tables and chairs must be cleaned and restored to the original condition, and placed in their original location.
All trash must be placed in plastic bags, and left in the large gray trash bins.
If excessive trash is accumulated please empty bins into the dumpster behind the building.
All materials brought into the Training Room must be removed immediately after the session.
Alcoholic beverages and other intoxicants are not permitted on the premises.
No smoking is permitted inside the building.
There is no access to telephones, however, cellular phones are permitted.
Failure to strictly adhere to all of any part of the Training Room Guidelines could lead to denial for future use.
Emergency exit is clearly identified in the Training Room.
Fire extinguisher, First Aid Kit, and AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) are located on the wall in the kitchen area.
Security codes and keys may be obtained from the Training Room Coordinator.
Allen County and/or the Sanitary Engineering Department are not responsible legally, financially, or otherwise, for any personal property brought into the Training Room, vehicles using parking facilities, or for any injuries to the person(s) who has reserved the Training Room, their guests, or any agents hired by the user. The entity for which the Training Room is reserved will be responsible for any damages of the facilities and/or guests personal property.
The entity for which the Training Room is reserved will be responsible for any damages or cleaning of the Training Room.