Informational Brochures
Included Services for Current Customers
E One Grinder Pump Owners Guide
Sewer Billing
How is my sewer bill calculated?
The sewer bill is calculated using a flat fee of $49.50 per month for each residential house. Condominiums, apartments, commercial and industrial users are then factored off of the $49.50 per month base fee.
Does water usage factor into the calculated sewer bill?
Water usage does not effect the sewer bill.
Are sewer bills mailed monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or annually?
Sewer bills are mailed quarterly, and are always sent out a quarter behind. For instance, the sewer bill for the first quarter (January thru March) is sent in May and due in June.
What are the dates of the sewer fiscal year?
The fiscal year runs from July 1st of one year to June 30th of the following year. For example: July-Aug-Sept (3rd qtr 2006) Oct-Nov-Dec (4th qtr 2006) Jan-Feb-Mar (1st qtr 2007) Apr-May-June (2nd qtr 2007)
If I sell my property and need to change the name on the bill to the new owners, whom do I need to notify?
Notify the Sanitary Engineer’s Office at 419-996-4683.
If I purchase a home from a Sheriff’s Auction what am I responsible for concerning the sanitary sewer?
All delinquent sewer charges are the responsibility of the new owner of the home. Research the property before you purchase the home.
Can I pay with a credit card?
Yes, visit www.allencountyohtreasurer.com or call 1-419-765-6401 option 3.
If I don’t pay my sewer bill is there a penalty?
Our office charges a 10% penalty on any late payments.
Is it permitted to make partial payments on a sewer bill?
County rules only allow us to accept full payment due for each quarter.
Is it permitted to make a sewer payment prior to the bills being issued?
The county does not have a fund set up for the payments to be placed in until the bills are issued.
If I owe for two quarters or more can I pay the most recent quarter before paying the others?
You must pay previous quarter bills before paying current quarter bills.
If my tenant does not pay the sewer bill and delinquent charges were added, who is responsible for the payment?
The property owner is responsible for any unpaid charges for the sanitary sewer.
What type of payment forms are accepted at the Sanitary Engineering Department?
The Sanitary Engineering Department accepts cash (in the exact amount) or check.
If I continue to not pay my sewer bill what will happen?
At the end of September each year our office certifies all unpaid sewer bills plus penalties, to the upcoming year’s property taxes for collection
How long will the above sewer bill charges stay on my property taxes?
The delinquent sewer bills will be collected on the upcoming year’s property taxes only.
If my sewer bill is placed on my taxes and I pay my taxes, will sewer charges show on my next year taxes?
As long as you stay current on your bills, no further sewer bills will be certified to your property taxes.
Moving/Extended Vacations
How is my sewer bill handled when I sell my home in the middle of quarter?
All charges should be pro-rated by your agent at the time of closing, to the new owner.
If I vacation through the winter and am not home using the sanitary sewer is there any way to turn the sewer off or not be charged for the usage?
The only way to discontinue sewage billing is if a home is torn down.