Autopay Signup & Information
No more writing checks ~ No more mailing payments ~ No charge
How it works:
We will send you a reminder each quarter stating the amount and date we will draw the payment from your checking account. Please note there is a $16.00 service fee for insufficient funds.
Monthly Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) deductions can only start at the beginning of a quarter, January, April, July, or October. The deduction will continue the first Friday of each month thereafter.
It is simple:
- Print the autopay application (Click Here for Application)
2. Fill out and include a voided check
3. Mail application and voided check to:
Allen County Sanitary Engineer
Attn: Tammy Ammon
3230 N. Cole Street
Lima, OH 45801
For questions, call our Billing Department at: 419-996-4683